
Sunday 2 March 2014

Chinese Pond Heron finally draws us in

With a "PROBABLE" Chinese Pond Heron still being reported in Hythe we finally if not a little reluctantly plucked up the energy to twitch it. The bird is unlikely to get accepted as anything other than an escapee but just in case we thought we'd best see it.  We pulled into Turnpike Hill in Hythe for 7.30am and found about fifteen cars already parked up waiting for the bird to show.  After searching the local area we returned to Turnpike Hill before heading off and luckily as we parked up the bird came flying in and we all managed to get on it with the other thirty odd birders present. It flew over towards Redbrooks but despite all the birders present searching (some with a little too much enthusiasm) we didn't locate it's chosen roost site.
There was a small group twitching the bird from Belgium and another birder from Doncaster that had given it a few days and still not seen it. Another local was on his fifth trip hoping to connect so we did well in the three hours we gave up for it.

Herring Gull

After a quick stop at Dover to bag a year tick in the form of Shag we moved on to Sandwich Bay and drove out to the Chequers Inn pub where we searched the beach for reported Shore Larks but found only Skylark, Ringed Plover, Dunlin and Ostercatchers. Our last stop was Reculver where we quickly located a Black Redstart and after sitting at the end of the rocky bay the bird eventually came to us and gave a couple of opportunities to grab a shot or two. Sanderling were also seen here along with several Mistle Thrush to give another year tick.

Ringed Plover
Black Redstart

Year list now at 142


  1. Sad news today that the Chinese Pond Heron has been found dead

  2. The Pond Heron was accepted onto the British List!!!
