
Sunday 23 March 2014

Another blog with a Wheatear on it

Every blogging birder seems to have grabbed shots of the Northern Wheatears as they arrived this week so why should I be any different. Wheatears are terrific looking birds and as the males tend to arrive first you need to get out quick to snap them before they move on to breeding grounds. I visited Landguard where at least eight males were on the grassy area in front of the observatory. I plotted up in a small bunker and waited. The plan worked and eventually the birds came closer and I grabbed a few photographs with the below being my best effort.

Northern Wheatear at Landguard 23rd March 2014
Lot's of Linnets and Meadow Pipit flew around with this one Mipit coming close enough for a quick shot before it saw me and flew off.

Meadow Pipit at Landguard 23rd March 2014
I wondered around to look for the Black Redstart reported but failed to find it. A Ringed Plover was showing well on the beach but I left the other birders to pap that and concentrated on the Blackbird below instead.

I checked out the local gull roost hoping for a Yellow-legged Gull but couldn't find any having to settle for the adult Glauc instead. On returning home I had several Redpoll visiting the garden feeders for the first time this year....better late than never!

Lesser Redpoll
The above was taken in the garden today, Photoshop helped take the noisy background away to produce a nice image.

Another Redpoll on my garden feeder today

I have a strange week ahead of me with a two day work trip to Yorkshire tomorrow and our annual Scotland trip booked for Friday so only two days in the office.

Year list now at 156


  1. Brian, don't be any different on taken photos that everyone else is taking. Living in the U.S. I will probably never get to see those birds or once if I am lucky. So I follow your blog to see UK birds.


  2. Thanks Bob, appreciated the comment and glad you enjoy the birds too.
