
Friday 14 February 2014

Yellow-rumped Warbler at High Shincliffe Durham

As you'll know if you've read previous posts I have a soft two hour twitch rule that keeps both the travel time and costs down and helps me keep a lid on this crazy hobby. Well this week saw me driving up to Coniston for a work "team building exercise" so being only half an hour from the Yellow-rumped Warbler I couldn't resist carrying on up the A1 for it on Wednesday. I left home at 5.15am and parked up in High Shincliffe at 9am covering the 250 miles in good time without a stop. (Technically only an hours drive for the bird) The roads were snow covered and I took note of the request to park at the end of the village and walked about half a mile down the road to find a small group of birders enjoying the bird as it moved along the hedge row feeding on fat filled coconuts when the local Robin allowed it to. A Willow Tit was called by other birders and eventually also came in to feed with the Warbler. I duly dropped a couple of coins in the collection bucket and got on my way again. Several Red Kites were seen over the moors as I cut back across country to my hotel satisfied with the mornings trip and 2014's second lifer in the bag.

Yellow-rumped Warbler (best I could get)
Snow in Durham (the warbler flits about in those bushes)
The Coniston hotel was really smart too sitting right on the edge of Coniston Lake with great views from the bedroom. They have a large clay pigeon shoot which I enjoyed along with Archery and Golf. Food was very good and I'd recommend a visit if you're ever up that way.
The hotel has a Range Rover experience and Falconry centre in it's grounds if that's more your thing.
The Coniston Hotel
Along the way I passed Grassington Moor which I think holds the record for a days Grouse shoot but I failed to see a single bird on this short trip.

Year list now at 136
Life list now at 337

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