
Saturday 11 January 2014

Rainham Marsh

I popped into Rainham on the way home from work today where I was lucky to get on a distant Caspian Gull roosting on Wennington Marsh. A Marsh Harrier hunted and the reserve held many gulls, ducks, geese and a large flock of Lapwing with several Curlew. Herons as always were hunting in good numbers and a Little Grebe fished in the pool from Serin mound whilst Goldfinches were in good voice.

On the walk along the sea wall I had a pair of Stonechat and a single Rock Pipit for my trouble but I failed to find the White-fronted Geese reported as being present.

As I left the car park at the stone barges I noticed a Fox snoozing on a lump of concrete so stopped to take a couple of photographs. He lifted his head to check me out and then went back to sleep enjoying the sunshine.

A nice visit giving me four year ticks taking this years total to a healthy 111.

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