
Sunday 1 December 2013

Sanderling Sunday

In a repeat of last weekends trip we headed down to Wallasea early this morning where we were lucky to find both Marsh and Hen Harrier hunting the marsh. Three Peregrines came close and were even heard calling as they flew around our heads between chasing  Lapwings.

Marsh Harrier
After Wallasea we moved down to the sea front and quickly found a large flock of around fifty Sanderlings feeding on the beach with a few Turnstones. We also noted Dark-bellied Brent Geese and a couple of Med-Gulls in with the other gulls waiting to feed on any scraps left by the people walking the promenade.

Sanderling at Southend
Sanderling speed skate off
Juvenile Med Gull
Brent Goose  a real Essex bird!

Another cracking morning in Essex.

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