
Tuesday 31 December 2013

Final Post of 2013

Well it's that time again when we say goodbye to one year and hello to another and in birding terms it means we say goodbye to one list and it all starts again tomorrow.

I finished in 12th position on the BUBO listings for the year which I suppose is a reasonable result considering my self imposed rules on travel time etc.

Congratulations to Lee Evans who looks to have finished as the top lister for 2013.

Paul Rowe who's company I've enjoyed on several twitches this year not forgetting a memorable Caper experience.

David Aitken who's company I have enjoyed both on the Isle of Wight for the Wilson's and in Hampshire where we both dipped the Brown Shrike. Congratulations Dave..Epic!

And Garry Bagnell who I have also twitched with a couple of times this year.

Apologies to the other top tenners but I've yet to bump into you.

good luck to you all in 2014

As for targets for next year.......I'm not setting anything other than I'd like to find the 15 lifers to take my Life list through 350 but I know I'm going to want to challenge this years year total of 285.......I just know it!
It'll all start tomorrow as we head out to tick the first Robin and Wren etc of 2014.

May the force be with you where ever you are as long as you're birding.


  1. Well done Brian it was good to share part of 2013 with you and maybe we will share somewhere in 2014.

  2. Cheers Mike, hopefully we'll bump into each other again
