
Monday 4 November 2013

Birding in Norfolk

With the family all home safe after yesterday's celebrations I headed out to Cley this morning.
Juvenile Gannet
The wind was strong but thankfully by about 7am the rain had stopped. From the coastguards hut I watched as Gannets, Red-throated Divers and Scoters pushed through close to the shore. I spotted a couple of Arctic Terns with several Sandwich Terns being mobbed by Arctic Skua and a couple of Bonxie moved through. Great Northern Diver, Pomarine Skua, Grey Phalarope and Shore Lark were all seen from Cley today but sadly weren't on my radar.
At Salthouse the Turnstones were performing as usual without a care for the people walking along the coast and after a walk along the Eastbank I located thirty Snow Buntings on the shingle ridge. Also of note today was a leucistic Brent Goose in the field by the coastguards car park.

Wigeon at Salthouse
On returning to the cottage I again found the Barn Owl sitting on a post by the edge of the field but the light failed me and it looks like mornings are going to be my best best for catching him on camera.


  1. Congratulations on the milestone Brian and what a lovely way to spend the first few days of it.

  2. Thanks Mike and yes it's a great place to celebrate and enjoy a few days doing what I enjoy most.....walking and pointing the camera at the odd bird or two.
