
Sunday 6 October 2013

Red-breasted Flycatcher back at Warham leads to a day in Norfolk

With news that a Red-breasted Flycatcher has again decided to stop over in Warham we decided on that destination this morning. A two hour stop at Lynford on route gave the Jims another go at the Two-barred Crossbills. Despite up to forty Common Crossbill being present and showing really well no Two-barred were encountered. (Two males at Lynford would later be posted  adding to the frustration of my passengers)
We headed on up the road and parked up in Garden Drove at around 10.15am. The small copse where the Flycatcher has settled was just at the end of the drove a short walk down the track. On arrival a small group had gathered and we quickly enjoyed reasonable views of the RBF giving me a year tick (275) and the Jims another llifer. (Thats another beer they owe me).

Migrant Hawker
Red Darter
We then drove to Titchwell were we spent the rest of the day. A Jack Snipe was located by Jim giving a small crowd reward for their journey as the bird showed well from the first screen on Pats pool along with eight Common Snipe. Back on meadow trail we failed to hear or see any Yellow-browed Warblers but did enjoy the volume of dragon fly stopping to see if the camera would allow a shot of one or two in flight.
On Freshmarsh we found two Little Stint and a single Curlew Sandpiper whilst on the next lagoon we enjoyed cracking views of Spotted Redshank, Greenshank, both Black and Bar-tailed Godwits, Curlew and Grey Plover to name a few. A Peregrine kept all the residents on their toes but seemed to be learning it's trade as several passes were made without a kill.  The day gave up several photo opportunities as you'll see below.

Black-tailed Godwit
Common Snipe

Curlew Sandpiper
Little Stint
Peregrine Falcon
Spotted Redshank
Spotted Redshank

A 120mile drive home saw us arrive back around 12 hours after leaving so a decent day in what was great weather for October. News broke of a Lesser Grey Shrike late on down at Capel Fleet in Kent so I reckon the Jims will grip that back on Sunday if it sticks.

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