
Thursday 5 September 2013

Targets as we move to September and the last four months of 2013

Well I sit on 272 different birds seen so far this year and my target was always to see if I could beat last years total of 279 so I need another 8 birds in four months with August delivering me no less than 7 ticks.
Of the 279 birds seen last year I've not seen 37 of them this year but only 13 of these were seen in the last quarter of 2012. Most of these were vagrants not migrants so finding any of them this year won't be easy.

So I need to find another 8 birds in the next four months but I'm now back at work so it's weekend birding for the rest of the year giving me 34 days to get out there and find the targets of which some will be easier than others. I'd expect to find Arctic Redpoll, Lapland Bunting, Shore Lark and a Skua etc but some of the above just won't be on our island again this year so I'm hoping for a few new birds to drop in again and surprise us. Remember too that I have the "soft" two hour rule restricting me from birds such as Bridled Tern and Needle-tailed Swift, Harlequin Duck and Pine Gosbeak to mention just a few of the this years big uns!

A week away in September (I know just back to work and I'm on holiday straight to be done!)
might throw a couple of presents my way and with my 50th in November I have to be in line for something special that month so I reckon I'll beat last year but that's as far as I'm taking it.

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