
Sunday 11 August 2013

Temminck's Stint at Oare Marsh

I drove down to Oare Marsh this afternoon and was pleased to be put straight onto a Temminck's Stint as I walked along the track. A couple of birders already had the tiny wader on a small pool to the west of the main road leading through the reserve. We discussed it's features and noted how dark the legs looked but put it down to mud as the other features seemed good for the ID. I haven't seem a TS for a couple of years now and had to be reminded of the key features but the refresher helps the grey cells or at least I hope it does. The crowd seemed more than happy with the ID but those legs did bother me a little.
Distant record shot of the Temminck's Stint

Shortly after I located the Bonapartes Gull which pleased a few people that had been looking for a while.
Bearded Tit, Curlew Sandpiper, LRP, Turnstone where also seen along with the usual Godwits, Avocets and Redshanks.
Very distant record shot of the Bonaparte's Gull

An enjoyable hour or two at Oare, tick 267 for the year and only an hours drive home up the A2.
Black Tailed Godwit
Little Egret 
ps..I had a couple of Clouded Yellow butterflies on the wing at Oare too which was good to see.

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