
Friday 23 August 2013

Red-necked Phalarope at King George Reservoir Chingford

News arrived early this morning of last nights rain delivering a Red-necked Phalarope into the reservoirs in Chingford. I was on sight at 8am to meet Ian L and finder Harry L (Of Harry & Barry fame).
Ian kindly gave me good directions that enabled me to scope the Phalarope just before it flew. The bird was unsettled for the hour I watched it but dropped in just close enough for a poor record shot. Roy W managed to get on sight early too before I left at 9am and I'm told most of the locals managed to connect during the day. Another good find by Harry on this permit only site that delivers good passage birds.
Also of note were a couple of Clouded Yellow butterflies in the car park at KGR

Distant record of the Red-necked Phalarope
Canadian Greylag at Rainham
I moved onto my original destination at Rainham where I saw the above hybrid (Canada x Grelyag)
Again Clouded Yellow butterflies were in evidence along the sea wall, it's proving a good year for these visitors.
The weather again looks good for a few passage migrants to drop in over the weekend so here's hoping.
My daughter in law came for a stroll with me too today and managed to grab a couple of pictures on my old Nikon....She didn't do too bad either.
Gemma's first outing with a camera......more to come perhaps! (Well done Gem)

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