
Sunday 4 August 2013

Another day at Dunge

On the beach at Dunge this morning at 7am, the sea was calm and the sun was shining.
Lot's of Gannets and Scoters moving through and I found an Arctic and Great Skua that the Jims didn't manage to get on. A single Fulmar, couple of Sarnie terns, a juvenile Med Gull and a probable Arctic Tern was just about it for a couple of hours on the beach. Speaking to Paul H we missed both Manx and Balearic Shearwaters by a few minutes.
I found a Black Redstart on the power station wires and a large unidentified raptor in the distance could have been an Osprey as one was reported this morning.
From Hanson Hide we had Garganey (thanks to Paul H for putting me on them) Black Necked Grebe, Green Sandpipers (4) and several LRP.
We made a detour to Oare Marsh on the way home were Curlew Sandpipers were showing well and the flood was alive with Blackwits, Redshank, Golden Plover, Lapwing , Avocet etc etc.
Nothing to shout about today but some good birding in good company and I always enjoy a day at Dunge.

Black Tailed Godwits at Oare marsh
Curlew Sandpipers at Oare marsh
Golden Plovers at Oare marsh

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