
Tuesday 2 July 2013

The Ruff with the smooth

I had a day at Cley Marshes today and enjoyed watching the comings and goings of the various birds.
The Ruff with the smooth 
Ruff in various plumage paraded around the edge of the scrape whilst the numerous Avocet adopted an all for one and one for all policy as the group tried to defend their young from the constant threat of the Marsh Harriers.
Bearded Tits "pinged" along the reed bed showing occasionally with Reed Bunting and various Warblers. The Little Ringed Plover have young which is good to see and the Moorhens have a large brood that they are trying to keep from the eyes of the Harriers and gulls. A few Med Gulls dropped in briefly whilst I sat in the hide but quickly moved on. On the drive home I made a short stop at Burnham Overy where I found a pair of Grey Partridge, Common Buzzard and Red Kite.

Grey Partridge
Moorhen chick

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