
Tuesday 30 July 2013

Quail at Crane Hill Cambridgeshire

Bird 265 for the year.
The bird in question was a Quail and I found it at Crane Hill in Cambridgeshire. Two singing males have been reported since Sunday so I dropped in to try my luck. Firstly Crane Hill is not the easiest place to find with the published postcode taking me to the local Golf club so I had to get on line and check the local map to get my bearings again. I walked though the small metal gate and from here for about half a mile to the end of the woods (which contain Spotted Flycatcher and Bullfinch amongst other birds) The public footpath takes you down a steep dip and continues all the way into Everton. The birds had been reported at the track leading to Stonehill Farm (this track is private land so stay on the footpath.) I didn't hear any Quail here instead picking up a single bird at the top of the steep ridge on my way back which was a nice reward for the time invested. I also had Corn Bunting, Yellowhammer and Whitethroat with Buzzards calling overhead too.  A nice walk and not too far from home thankfully.

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