
Friday 21 June 2013

Rose-Coloured Starling Wells next the sea WHAT A BIRD!

After seeing photographs of the Rose-coloured Starling in Norfolk this week I decided I had to give it a go despite not needing it on my year list after already connecting with the Exeter juvenile earlier this year.
Boy am I glad I did as the bird is a stunner. I've seen these birds before but never one looking so fine and dandy as this guy. It spends all day in the same tree defending the two fat ball holders provided by the house holder who has displayed great tolerance to the invasion around her garden since the bird arrived in Wells probably on a detour from somewhere like Hungary or Romania? I think the weekend could see a lot more birders visiting this little summer garden on the north Norfolk coast.

Rose-coloured Starling

Rose-coloured Starling
Rose-coloured Starling
Rose-coloured Starling

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