
Monday 17 June 2013

Roller at Edgefield near Holt

It doesn't get much better than this! Saturday I'm in Kent watching a Black Kite, Sunday I'm in Suffolk connecting with the Pacific Swift and today I ventured up to Norfolk where I found my first ever Roller and what a bird it was. I had waited for news this morning after the bird had been found last night and sure enough it was posted as still being around first thing but as I was due to leave a second post saying that the bird had flown west came through to add doubt to my reasoning but my gut told me the bird would be re found so I decided to make the 120mile journey for it. Suzanne came with me and we pulled into the layby about 400yards past Holt country park on the B1149 and crossed the road as we could see a crowd of twitchers gathered in the field.
Roller twitch 
Within seconds we had the bird in my scope (252) and had cracking views of it flying around and sitting out on various favoured perches before it finally flew off over the road.
Distant record shot of the star bird
We left and took the long route home along the north coast stopping first at Cley and then at Titchwell and Choseley drying barns. Amongst the other less significant birds seen were Marsh Harrier, Corn Bunting, Turtle Dove, Spotted Redshank, Knot and Grey Plover in splendid summer plumage along with many other expected birds for this time of year. The Roller has to be one of the best birds on my list and the day will be long remembered.

Corn Bunting

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