
Friday 28 June 2013

Melodious Warbler at Broom Woods, Tiln, Nottinghamshire

Melodious Warbler
I dipped a Melodious Warbler last year five miles from home and having a soft two hour twitch rule I have been watching news of a warbler that has been reported in Nottinghamshire(146 miles away). First reports were Icterine Warbler but the bird was then later reported as Melodious. This morning the weather forecast predicted  a day of grey drizzle so as I woke early I thought I'd give the bird a go. I landed in Tiln Lane, Tiln, Nottinghamshire at around 8.30am this morning and struggled to find the woods but luckily a couple of local dog walkers (the birders best friend) put me right and I was soon parked up at the double gates referred to on the pager messages. The local fishing bailiff turned up and gave me rough directions and with the reported c1km walk in my mind off I went to find the bird. After half an hour I'd had Cuckoo, Whitethroat, Sedge Warbler, Chiffchaff and Skylark but no sign of the target and I had a good soaking whilst looking too. Another dog walker and the same question which was greeted with a smile and the words "yes I know follow me" back down the track over a little fence and follow that well worn path the birders have been down there all week. Sure enough a short walk down the path I find a couple more birders and in seconds we are all enjoying the song and short views of the little cracker singing it's heart out in the rain of course all in vain as it has little chance of finding a female what with it being so far from home.

Year list now at 256 and another bird off my dipped list.


  1. Hi Brian,
    Have come across from the Do-craft blog to look at your fabulous pictures. Can you please tell me what camera you use? My daughter is a second year student studying zoology and needs some advice, she wants to buy herself a camera that she can use on her field trips. Thank you in anticipation.

  2. I use a Canon 7d and a Canon 400/5.6 prime lens
