
Tuesday 7 May 2013

What happened to the south easterly

I headed to Dungeness yesterday with a forecast for south easterly winds I was thinking the Skuas might be moving but on arrival the sea was flat and calm and hardly a bird in sight save a few Sarndwich and Common Terns. Two small groups of Scoter flew west and over a dozen Porpoise hunted close in but that was my lot.
A single Wheatear was seen on the beach but the highlight was the fish and chip dinner at the Pilot Inn, superb value and if you are ever in Dunge I'd suggest you give it a try.

Dungeness (picture by Suzanne)
I also gave Grove Ferry another go to see if the Cattle Egret would show for me but of course it wasn't seen until I was back home in Essex so dip three on this one which is even more painful because the bird is actually there it just won't show while I'm there. Suzanne stocked up with more "much needed" crafting supplies in Rochester on the way and Tia had several good runs rolling in anything and everything along the way. All in all a good day without a tick...more like August than May with bright sun and NO wind and I mean zero wind and you don't get to say that about Dunge very often.

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