
Friday 17 May 2013

Wales : THE BIRDS!

Without too much detail about the holiday itself I have listed below the year ticks and where I got them along with a few photographs taken in Wales over the last week.

Birds seen for the first time ever: BLACK HEADED WAGTAIL
This cracking male bird was found at Marloes Mere on one of four trips in the week. Very pleased with the find although it didn't result in a tick as the bird is grouped under the heading of Yellow Wagtail.

Other year ticks were found with Glossy Ibis (225) at Marloes Mere (the only one currently in Britain) , At Strumble Head I found a single Arctic Skua (226) and thousands of Manx Shearwater (227), Puffin (228) were seen from the deer park at Marloes and Chough (229) were present on the deer park itself, In Powys I ticked Tawny Owl (230) before locating my first Pied Flycatchers (231) of 2013 at Gilfach Farm where I also saw Tree pipits (232) had Wood Warbler (233) on call, a bird I would later get good views of at Dinas RSPB and a Spotted Flycatcher (234) was found on route to the Red Kite feeding station on the A44.

The year list now sits on a healthy 234 with a trip to Scotland planned for this coming weekend so I may just keep my nose in front of my 2012 list by the end of May if the trip goes well.

A few pictures of the birds seen this week.

Chough (The Deer park Marloes)
Whinchat (Lynn Brianne Reservoir)
Wheatear (The Deer park Marloes)
Stonechat (Abereidy)
Stonechat (Strumble Head)
Redstart (Gilfach Farm)
Pied Flycatcher (Gilfach Farm)
A cracking break in Welsh Wales where we enjoyed some great scenery and wildlife.

One disappointment was that I dipped the Black Guillemots in Fishguard Harbour, despite several looks I just couldn't see them but hopefully I'll see one or two in Scotland next weekend.