
Saturday 4 May 2013


Today I tried to get the Jims a couple of ticks. First stop was Holme where two Dotterel were reported last night. Of course they had moved on by this morning so no amount of scanning was going to reveal the birds for what would have been a lifer for them. Our scan revealed Golden Plover, Yellow Wagtails & Lapwings.

Golden Plover
We moved on with a little disappointment to Ouse Washes and walked to the furthest hide in search of a visiting Red-footed Falcon which was a good couple of miles from the car park. We had Spotted Redshank, Ruff and Garganey along with a few Marsh Harriers but after a four hour watch we resigned to the fact that the bird had moved away. Five minutes after we left the bird came out for a short flight but of course we missed it. A quick stop in the Brecks on the way home gave the Jims a year tick as we located a lone Stone Curlew and we then headed off to Fairlop Waters in Hainault where we missed the Long Tailed Duck by an hour and couldn't find the reported Ring Ouzel so all in all a day of disappointments.

I suppose we'll just have to work harder next time.

ps..I got home to a great chocolate and cream sponge that Suzanne had pulled together while I was out touring Cambridgeshire with the Jims.

A couple of shots from the garden yesterday........

House Sparrow
House Sparrow

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