
Thursday 23 May 2013

Golden Oriole Lakenheath

Another 140 mile round trip this morning to Lakenheath in search of one of Britains rarest birds, the Golden Oriole. I've been to the reserve four times now in May and today in a six hour shift I finally got to see my first Oriole (238) of 2013 as the bird flew across to Trial plantation. The big surprise is that they don't seem to be calling at all this year yet despite reports of both male and female being seen. Last year saw no breeding so hopefully they might do better this year. The Red Footed Falcon continues to show well with a couple of Hobby at the end of New Fen and I also saw Bittern, Grasshopper warbler, Cuckoo and Marsh Harrier today. Turtle Dove appear to be nesting near to the visitor centre and Cranes were seen today from Joist Fen viewpoint but I didn't venture that far myself.

Lakenheath is a special place and is well worth the visit if you are ever in the area.

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