
Thursday 18 April 2013

Kingfisher connection

I set off early this morning with blue skies in search of Kingfisher. By the time I arrived at the river the sky was grey and the wind was blowing hard ruining my chances of any decent shots today but I did enjoy the company of three or more Kingfishers as they flew up and down and stopped to fish nearby on occasion too. Also seen were a pair of Bullfinches and a pair of Blackcaps which was a welcome addition to the Kings.

On the way back I stopped at the reservoir and again caught up with the resident Red Crested Pochard.
The place was alive with hirundines and Common Tern but alas I could find no Arctic amongst them.
Yellow and White Wagtail showed but I didn't see the reported Blue Headed Wagtail.

Red Crested Pochard
Common Tern
The weather took a bad turn delivering pea sized hail stones with gusting winds but gladly I'd made it home before this freak storm arrived after which the sun of course came out to play.

I also saw this lamb yesterday wearing a plastic bag.

Speaking to the farmer he said they are put on the new born lambs to help prevent hypothermia and fall off after a few days but give the little guys a hand to survive the first few days of spring which as we know can be cold and wet. (The plastic also degrades in the sun so no environmental issues)

As for my 2013 v 2012 bird race I need five more in April to be level with last years April total.
I see today there's an Alpine Swift in Kent, a Corncrake at Beachy Head and a Red Rumped Swallow in Kessingland now I'd take any of them for starters!

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