
Monday 18 March 2013


The Jim's have been talking about "going for" the Pallas's Warbler that has decided to winter in Berkshire instead of Asia. The bird has been reported on and off for a good number of weeks now but I haven't had the desire to go looking until now. We made the 70 mile journey around the London orbital car park and down the M3 stopping on route to bag the boys a year tick in the form of Great Northern Diver at Staines reservoir where we also saw Black Necked Grebe and two very probable White Wagtail.
On arrival at Moor Green Lakes we headed down the track to the Blackwater River (so called because of all the sewage that's pumped into it) We walked that river past the conveyor belt to the sewage farm and back and although I did at one stage think I'd heard the Pallas's Warbler I couldn't be sure. On our return to the car park after a good soaking we bumped into another birder that said he'd had two good views of the target prompting another search of the area but despite finding lot's of Tit's and Finches, loads and Wrens and Robins and the odd Goldcrest we failed to find the target and left for home wet and weary having dipped what would have been a year tick for me and a lifer for the Jim's.
It was a nice place to visit and I may yet return for a second go in better weather.

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