
Saturday 2 March 2013

In search of Otters

I paid another visit to Nun's Bridges Thetford this morning in search of Otters. I connected with the Black-bellied Dipper several times as I walked up and down the river and ticked my first Kingfisher of 2013 (181) as I saw the bird flash along the river a couple of times.
I watched as a couple of Redwing took breakfast with a menu of worm, worm and more worm, I was amazed at the constant need to feed as you'd think a few worms would fill up the gut of the bird but they didn't seem to find them that filling.


A Brambling showed in the brambles along the river bank and a large Siskin flock fed noisily in the tops of the trees. A Grey Wagtail fed with a Brown Rat on the river bank and I watched a group of Black Headed Gulls diving for food which I haven never seen before. They sat on the water before leaping into the air then diving back to catch their food.
Going Up
Going down

I saw Muntjac and Roe Deer along with a few Hares but despite several hours walking the river no Otters appeared. On the way home I had a call to say the Otters were now showing's that for luck.


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