
Sunday 24 March 2013

Alas still no Pallas's

For the second weekend running I've driven around the 25 to Moor Green Lakes in Berks searching for a Pallas's Warbler, more for a life tick for Jim than the year tick it would bring me.
We arrived early enough to catch good views of a Barn Owl quartering the field between the car park and the gravel pits. As we walked the river to the conveyor belt and beyond we again came across several tit flocks with Long Tailed, Blue and Great Tit in good numbers along with a few Goldcrest and at least three Chiffchaffs. A Goosander flew over and a Red Kite drifted across the lakes. The pits held nothing of note other than a couple of Little Grebe and Little Egret. We tried hard to convince ourselves that a calling Great Tit might be our bird but the longer it called the more Great Tit and less Pallas's Warbler it became. It was freezing so after three hours we decided to call it a day meeting Garry Bagnell on the return route to the car park, hope he enjoyed better luck than us.

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