
Sunday 17 February 2013


With the weather forecasting a bright slightly breezy day we headed for Thetford today. An early stop at Nunns Bridges so Jimmy could catch up with the Dark Bellied Dipper that's made the small stream here it's home. The bird is a real gem giving crippling views as it swam under water picking grubs up.
Dark Bellied Dipper
Whilst there Jimmy found a Treecreeper and managed to get me on it giving me that elusive tick for the year. (169) After an hour here we moved on in search of Goshawk as planned. Arriving at the location we heard what we considered to be Woodlark calling but didn't see the bird. We walked the mile or so towards the clearing that the Goshawks favour and I spotted the resident Red Tailed Hawk sitting in a pine tree on the way. The bird flew off and gave good flight views too.

On arrival at the clearing all was quiet for about an hour when we located a small flock of Crossbill. (170) Following the Crossbill in the bins a large raptor came into view and was very quickly identified as Goshawk. (171) A huge bird with strong wings clearly the guvnor of this part of Norfolk. The small gathering of fellow birders got on it as the bird circled round for a few minutes in front of us. A little later another Gos flew across the trees and gave decent views before a Sparrowhawk also flew in and gave good comparison of the wing flap. A Woodlark then showed itself sitting on a distant bush which was great taking away any debate from the one heard in the car park. (172) I couldn't get Jimmy on it as we had the slight distraction of a Goshawk in flight.

A cracking mornings birding with Jim spoilt only by the old man being missing.

A few mores pictures of the little guy at Nunns Bridges.

Dark-bellied Dipper
Dark-bellied Dipper
Dark-bellied Dipper
Dipper dipping

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