
Thursday 31 January 2013


A quick review of where I am versus last year.........
January 2012 saw me connect with 153 birds of which included three lifers
January 2013 has given up 155 but no lifers.

Birds seen last year but not connected with this January are
Arctic Redpoll , Arctic Skua , Black Redstart , Black Throated Diver ,  Mealy Redpoll
Crossbill , Dark Eyed Junco , Glossy Ibis , Great Grey Shrike , Great Northern Diver
Kingfisher , Lapland Bunting , Lesser Spotted Woodpecker , Lesser White Fronted Goose
Raven , Rough Legged Buzzard , Spanish Sparrow , Treecreeper , Western Sandpiper
Whooper Swan and  Woodlark

But obviously I've seen two more so there's a few on the seen this year but not seen last January.

Bearded Tit , Bittern, Buff Bellied Pipit, Corn Bunting , Crane, Dipper , Eider
Ferruginous Duck, Fulmar , Great Skua , Hooded Crow , Jack Snipe
Lesser Canada Goose, Marsh Tit , Med Gull, Red Crested Pochard , Red Necked Grebe
Rock Pipit , Shag , Slav Grebe , Stonechat, Woodcock and YL Gull.

So although I've seen more species this year it's not been as HOT as last year with nothing new added to the life list at this point. I'll try to catch a few of the birds missing from last January in February and attempt to keep my nose in front of 2012 in the hope that it takes me out to some great places and clears my head of the stress and strain of chasing numbers at work every day.
Now there's irony......I chase numbers all day and then relax by chasing numbers.

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