
Thursday 17 January 2013

Green Sandpiper but no Jack Snipe

Paid a very quick visit to East Hyde today in the hope of connecting with Jack Snipe.
They haven't been reported this year at the site but with the big freeze I thought they might have arrived today. It's a nice site for a work day as you can pull up and see the area from the car on the main road. As I pulled up at the bridge to look over into the small channel I saw a Green Sandpiper (138) and Little Egret with a pair of Mallard and several BH Gulls. A Red Kite hunted low over the snow covered field close by and the colours of the bird next to the white ground were stunning.....No camera to catch it unfortunately.

I scanned the edge of the channel but couldn't find any Snipe so that tick will have to wait for another day.
On the drive round the London orbital car park (M25) I saw another Red Kite sitting in a dead tree and several Buzzards one of which hovered like a Rough Legged but I have seen Common do that before and it was too far away and too brief to call anything other than Buzzard.

Bracing myself now for the Snow that's forecast this weekend and the birds it may bring in.

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