
Friday 25 January 2013

Black-Bellied Dipper Thetford

I woke at silly o'clock today so took an early morning (and I mean early) trip to catch up with the Black-Bellied Dipper that's been hanging around under the Nuns Bridges in Thetford for a while now.
The bird is a variety of Dipper not yet recognised by the BOU as a split from our usual Dipper found in Britain. It breeds in Scandinavia but moves south for winter and doesn't make our shores often.
The difference between the two Dippers is that ours would have a chestnut shade to the belly where as northern race doesn't.  (hence the Black-Belly.....good this naming business....just say what you see)
I parked at the Nun's Bridge car park by the BTO office while it was still dark and made the short walk to the metal bridge across the main river then over the small wooden bridge across the stream and I could see the faster moving shallow stream a few yards away which looked ideal for Dipper.
The bird was already in the stream and allowed a close approach while it happily fed. (143) A little cracker which gave crippling views. Whilst there I also saw a pair of Marsh Tit (144) and a Woodcock (145).
Dark-Bellied Dipper

An hours birding before work....can't beat it!

Now what's the weekend going to deliver? (apart from more snow)

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