
Sunday 13 January 2013

A little patch work

I decided to visit Jim's patch today. I parked in Fishers Green car park and walked the river path towards Grebe Hide. There was lot's of activity along the river with large tit flocks everywhere but I only noted Blue, Great and lot's of Long Tailed. A Green Woodpecker called and two Greater Spotted flew over head calling. A Heron hunted on the river bank and four Bullfinch (135) flew in to sit in the open and give good views whilst further up the way I found several Goldcrest and from the hide Goosander were seen.

Grey Heron and Tufted Duck
A large flock of 100 or so Siskin fed in the Alders and an African Weaver was a strange find from Grebe Hide too. Returning to the Bittern hide I picked up two Lesser Redpoll (136) and a couple of Snipe on Lapwing Island.
A nice morning on Jim's patch before returning home where the garden was alive with birds including Siskin. The new feeder is proving very popular and the Vicar has also been feeding well today.

As a foot note I took delivery of my "blog book" yesterday. A hardback book featuring every page of my blog from 2012. A nice keepsake especially if blogger ever decides to delete the file or I make a mess of it. I fear now my obsessive nature will require another one for 2013!

Blog book 2012
The Blog Book


  1. 136 already! I'm on 50! Not a wild African Weaver I hope!

  2. No an escaped caged bird I'm sure. And I envy your 50 as it means you have all the more to see.
