
Sunday 25 November 2012

Windy trip to Kent in search of Hen Harrier

We headed off down to Kent today after a night of high winds reaching up to 60mph.
On arrival at Reculver the winds were still strong and the QE11 bridge was closed for our journey south.
Reculver Towers
 The wind made it feel colder too but although windy and cold it was bright so we were thankful for that.

The walk from Reculver Towers  to Coldharbour Lagoon and back revealed a single Red Throated Diver as the highlight although there were large numbers of Brent Geese, Cormorants and Gulls on the sea and flocks of Wigeon were on the move too.

We noted Redshank on the Oyster farm and again on the lagoon along with a single Curlew.
Along the beach we had Turnstone, Grey Plover, Shelduck, Ringed Plover, Meadow Pipits, Wagtails and Finches.

Reculver was our warm up as we'd headed down today in search of Hen Harrier so we made our way to the watch point at Capel Fleet and arrived at around 11am.

Starling at Reculver
At Capel Fleet we had what we first considered to be a R L Buzzard but doubt remains over this with a pale Common Buzzard still a possibility.
Several Marsh Harrier hunt over the fields and a Common Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and Kestrel show close by and then the target birds arrive in the shape of two Ring Tailed Hen Harriers. The birds hunt low over the fields giving great scope views. When we set out we'd hoped for a male Hen Harrier but these two birds showed so well it was hard to be disappointed.

A good day in the field with good views although we leave still debating the RLB.
We'll just have to go back and check and look for that male Hen at the same time.....any excuse!

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