
Saturday 8 September 2012

Baillons Crake Rainham OUCH!

So it's Friday night. I've just driven to Titchwell where I'm staying for a week birding the North Norfolk coast with my wife and Tia (The dog) 


Just as I land and unpack the bags at Goose Cottage the news breaks.....Ballion's Crake at Rainham!

Now theres luck for book a week off work to go to the birding capital of the universe and a mega turns up on your doorstep.

Can I jump in the car and head back for it?  it's only two hours!
The sensible side wins and I head off across the road to walk the dog across Titchwell reserve.
The walk is rewarding anyway...lot's of Spoonbill about, a couple of Marsh Harrier, Waders galore.
some Bearded Tits fly low across the reeds. The walk is followed by a quick drive to pick up fish and chips and we're home to watch the end of he England game.

Still a little bitter about the Crake but maybe it'll stick around for me.
Hope the Jim's pick it up in the morning.

On a positive note....check this view from our bedroom window.....Spoonbills and Marsh Harriers without leaving my that can't be bad!
View over Titchwell from the cottage
The Cottage from the reserve...couldn't get closer to the action if I tried!

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