
Monday 10 September 2012

Baird's Sandpiper Titchwell

Titchwell tide line
So I've had three hours at Titchwell, I've popped home for breakfast and then we decide we'll walk the dog. Best place to walk the dog has to be Titchwell so by 10.30am I'm back on the reserve and as we walk along the track towards the first hide a group of birders are scoping a distant flock so I ask the obvious "anything good guys" "A Baird's Sandpiper" they reply and within seconds I'm peering through one of their scopes at only my second ever Baird's (first being two years ago at Holland Haven, I had to check my Bubo listing for that) but it's a first for the year so I'm delighted with it. I then get a detailed lesson on telling Baird's from White Rumped by the warden which is useful for future assistance if ever I'm lucky enough to stumble upon one.

The bird is quite obvious being smaller and longer than Dunlin. Lacks the White rump and seems to have a more obvious stripe behind the eye. He says if you see something smaller than a Dunlin it'll be a Stint or a Peep. Once established wing length it's narrowed down to WRS or BS.
A very good little lesson.

A quick return to the visitor centre for a snack and Coffee and time to check out the new ATX scopes before returning to the reserve for some watching from the footpath bench.
Titchwell Twitch

An Osprey flies over the reserve which is always nice and I help the warden locate the Curlew Sandpiper which does my cudos no harm at all. Then I manage to pick out the Baird's in the bins when the scope brigade are struggling which is greeted with no shortage of thank yous.

As we leave I find seven Spotted Red Shank and a tiny Water Shrew along the path.
Water Shrew

The Mariners Arms Hunstanton provides lunch and ale. A nice spot to eat over looking the bay where kite surfers are doing there thing below to entertain us while we eat.

Another cracking day in Norfolk and bird 262 for the year.

Dunlin, Snipe, Pied Wag and Ruff

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