
Wednesday 8 August 2012

Wood Sandpiper Cornmill Meadow

This morning I found myself working my brothers patch in search of Wood Sandpiper. Jim needs it for a year tick and has made a couple of trips without finding it on his patch.
I'm on Cornmill Meadow Lea Valley and in the hide before 7am to find the Wood Sand walking about right in front of me. I called Jimmy to see if he could make a detour on his way to work but he wasn't able to divert so he's planning an early trip tomorrow now.

Cornmill Meadows scrape
Although I've seen Wood Sand this year it's always nice to see them and this was a nice close view giving the opportunity to pick out ID features. After a short showing the bird wandered back into the muddy edge in front of the hide and out of view although it could be seen as it walked along between gaps in the reed.

Also on the scrape this morning were 3 Green Sandpiper (These remained distant on the far side of the scrape) , 36 Lapwing and 9 Canada Geese along with 2 Moorhen families and a couple of Mallard.
Over the meadow House Martins and Swallows are feeding and a large flock of Goldfinch are calling along the river bank. The local cows are reluctant to let me pass on the way back which gives a little concern but I put my soldiers hat on and go for it.

A quick change of footwear and I'm in the office for 8am for another day of pushing numbers and problem solving.

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