
Thursday 2 August 2012

Pectoral Sandpiper at Cliffe Pools

Made the short trip down to Cliffe Pools today in an effort to catch up with my first Pectoral Sandpiper of the year. Parked in the car park of the RSPB reserve I follow the path through the gate and take the second left trail towards Ski pool which is next to the main Radar Pool.
Lot's of Barwits and Dunlin about. GC Grebe, Coot, Redshank and several hundred Avocet.
A hobby flies over high in the clouds but I'm struggling to pick out the Pec.
Luckily another birder is on hand and scoped up so I manage to get a decent view of the Pectoral Sandpiper thanks to his generousity. A very quick trip with a very quick year tick (252).
Dissapointed not to find the Little Stint that has been seen on the reserve but time and the thought of the trip home through the Olympic traffic prevented a longer search.

View over Radar Pool towards the Black Barn
On a trip to Cliffe last year I recorded Common, Green, Wood, Curlew and Pectoral Sandpiper in the same pool (Boatwick Pool to be precise)  and that doesn't happen every day so it remains a special memory for me.
Good Winter records of SEO here and a RB Shrike so the place has been quite kind to me.
I'll take a trip back when I have more time and give that Little Stint another go although I might just head up to Norfolk at the weekend and see what's at Titchwell and Cley.
(There's an Alpine Swift kicking about near Sheringham that I also have an eye on to see if it sticks for the weekend and of course the weather will play a part in my weekend trip)

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