
Saturday 14 July 2012

Dipping Quail again

I got up early this morning (bad back giving me some pain) so thought I'd see if Jimmy fancied a quick run over to Hayes to see if we could get the RB Shrike I'd seen on Thursday.
Of course he did so at 6.30am (ish) we're in the car park at Lake Farm Hayes again. Within ten minutes we're on the Shrike and the Jim's have a life tick.
Aside the RB we had RN Parakeets, Sparrowhawk and Peregrine here, add to that a couple of Common Buzzard and Kestrel on route and not a bad raptor count.
I arrived home by 9am and after a short family visit I decided to visit Elmley and the better half came along for the ride. It rained heavy all the way there and back and pretty much the whole time I was there which made for some pretty bad birding and did away with any chance I had of finding a singing Quail.
Did get good views of Marsh Harrier to add yet another Raptor for the day though.
Lot's of Hare about along with a few Lapwing, Oyster Catchers, Curlew, Green Sandpipers, Egrets and lot's of Skylark and Yellow Wags.
A strange site was a good few Meadow Brown Butterflies on the wing in the rain.

Still looking for bird 250 for the year.....maybe tomorrow?


1 comment:

  1. OOOO I only get up at that time for coffee lol, more super pictures,
