
Thursday 5 July 2012

Butterflies at Broxbourne

Had a run around today at work driving around a few stores doing what I do so stopped off at Broxbourne Wood on the way home to see if there were any butterflies on the wing.

Didn't find any White Admiral or Purple Emperor which I'd hoped for here but lot's of Ringlet, Meadow Brown and Skippers about. Also had my first Silver Washed Fritillary which was great (and a lot bigger than imagined) and a single Red Admiral.
As for the birds only really Chiffchaff of any note giving good views and calling well.
Great to see a little sunshine today.....forecast is rain tonight and tomorrow though.....what happened to summer? Road trip on the cards for Saturday in search of the two birds I need for 250 in 2012.
The champagne is on ice!
Large Skipper

Silver Washed Fritillary

Silver Washed Fritillary


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