
Monday 4 June 2012

Little Tern Winterton on Sea

Decided to try for Swallowtail Butterfly at Strumpshaw today as it was forecast to be half decent weather. Before that though I drove 12 miles past the reserve to bag my first Little Tern of the year.
Little Tern

Being a guaranteed tick as I know of a large colony nesting at Winterton on Sea. Pulling into the car park we take the short (but calf straining) walk through the dunes to the fenced off nesting site. The terns here as all the other sites along this coastline are protected. Here at Winterton they are protected by electric fence and a warden watches almost 24/7.

We get really good views of the terns and watch for an hour or so before heading off to Strumpshaw.

Warning sign
Strumpshaw Fen is only 12 miles away and we arrive for about 10am. We make our way around the reserve stopping first at Fen Hide and then Tower Hide. Good views of several Marsh Harriers and Bearded Tits are heard but little else of note.

We check the Doctors House where Lupins are in full bloom but the weather has dissapointed and we don't get the Swallowtail today. A pheasant did show well outside Tower Hide and stopped on the path just long enough for a picture.
Pheasant at Strumpshaw
Back down the A11 and home for 2.30pm. Another year tick in the Little Tern at Winterton leaving me needing just seven now for my target.

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