
Monday 18 June 2012

A good night for Nightjar

It's 22 degrees and there's no wind, I worked locally today and I'm local again tomorrow so I'm thinking it's perfect for a trip up to the Brecks in search of Nightjar. The journey's good and I cover the 60 miles in under an hour arriving at 8pm. On the way I spot a Little Owl sitting out on a hay stack which gives lovely views and pleases Jim senior most as he still needs it for a year tick. (The Lazy so and so won't drive a couple of miles from home for it) Next I spot a Stone Curlew before two more fly over calling. Two Hobby hawk the heath and give us superb views before being chased by a Merlin. A Cuckoo calls and continues to call past 10pm. We have a Tawny Owl calling for long periods over our two hour visit and it's joined by Little Owl and then a Barn Owl flies over and circles before taking rest on a fence post. We wait until dark hoping for Nightjar but no sign nor sound of any. Stone Curlew call the whole time as do Woodlark which sit out in the open for us.
And a couple of Stonechat also showed well before the light faded.
A very good couple of hours but still a little dissapointed not to bag the Nightjar.
We'll just have to go back for more!

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