
Saturday 16 June 2012

Double Dip Depression

5.30AM and I'm already on Crayford Marsh looking and listening for the reported Quail. After an hour of waiting Kev Jarvis arrives and confirms we're in the right spot and he should know as he found the bird four days ago and has posted several great photo's on both Birdguides and his blog.
We wait and while we're waiting a Peregrine stoops, then a Hobby floats over followed by a group of five noisy Ring Necked Parakeets. Add a Little Egret, a single Redsank some Corn Buntings, Whitethroat and Reed Warblers and you pretty much have the picture. After two hours I've had enough and make the return to the car. By 8.30am I'm on the beach at Dungeness looking for Roseatte Terns. Lot's of Gannet today feeding close in as the wind is c20mph straight off the sea. A little Gull shows well both in flight and resting on the beach. Common Terns feed constantly over the warm waters of the patch in front of the powerstation. The wind gives a good battering to all the birders gathered to see the reported adult Roseattes but again after two hours I have to admit defeat and the double dip depression hits home as I make the 90 mile journey back up the M20 having dipped on both todays target birds.
I'm now pondering ......Little Bittern Rickmansworth? Black winged Stilt Welney? or will the weekend be a washout?

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