
Thursday 28 June 2012

Crayford Quail

I'm blaming Kev Jarvis for getting me out of bed early this morning. He's posted Quail at Crayford again yesterday so what's a man to do. I'm trying to see off a touch of man flu but the thought of bagging Quail get's me out of the sack and making the drive to Moat Lane Crayford again this morning before work. I'm on site for 6am and once parked make the walk along the footpath at Crayford Marsh. I see Heron and Egret straight away and good numbers of Collared Dove. Ring Neck Parakeets call and show in the willows from the path and a Little Owl sits on the bow of the middle Willow low down away from the parakeets which must drive it nuts with their constant noise.

Lot's of Greenfinch and Whitethroat about, Shelduck and Mallard on the river and a Marsh Harrier over. Corn Bunting in the paddock along with Starling, Magpie and Crow. Gulls fly over the Thames and two Holly Blue butterfly are up early. A tiny baby frog (about the size of a house fly) jumps across the path in front of me and newly fledged Reed Warblers play at the top of the reed bed. All in all a very nice hour before work but again no Quail.

News that the Pacific Plover hasn't been seen at Cley today might spoil the weekends plans, we'll see.

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