
Friday 11 May 2012

Sunday 6th May: DINAS RSPB

This has to be my favourite RSPB reserve. An ancient woodland habitat with fast flowing rivers.
Dinas RSPB
I've walked the dog on the beach, cooked the wifes breakfast and we're off nice and early. The wife likes Dinas too so that's a real bonus. The boys have decided to have a day here before the drive back to Essex so we meet on the way. The weather again is fantastic and that is unusual as it usually rains here. About an hours drive from Manorbier through Llandovery to Dinas but well worth the effort. On arrival I bag Pied Flycatcher without leaving the car. (220) A red Kite soars over my head. We take the boardwalk though the woodland and Pied Flycatcher are all around. The usual Nuthatch, Willow Warbler, Garden Warbler, Goldcrest, Wren etc all oblige with good views before a pair a Common Sandpipers drop into the stream. White, Pied and Grey Wagtail all show and a Squirrel entertains as it goes in and out of a hole on a tree.

Grey Squirrel

We head round to the stream and Suzanne has seen Redstarts real close while sitting on the bench. We take a while to see if they return but get Dipper instead. I locate a Tree Pipit (221) and get Jim on it, he's well pleased as this is a lifer for him.  We do get good views of Redstart (222)and we can hear Wood Warbler in the trees although everything that shows is either Willow or Chiffchaff to our frustration. Raven and Buzzard soar over head in the valley.

I take a walk back to the car for a coffee break leaving Rob plotted up waiting for Dipper and the Jims doing all they can to get sight of Wood Warbler. On the boardwalk Suzanne spots a SBJ and says "that's not what they're after is it?" And of course it is and I get great views of Wood Warbler. (223) Then I find another Tree Pipit sitting out in the open in a small bush near the car park giving me great views in good light...happy days!. As I'm sipping coffee four Redstart make an appearance and a Marsh Tit comes to the feeder (I put seed out earlier) We debate with the locals Marsh - Willlow? but leave undecided only for Rob to do the work later to establish it was Marsh so no new tick there. A pair of Peregrine fly past over our heads..two really big birds!.
So we say our goodbyes to the boys and as they head home to sunny Essex me and Suzanne head back to Shute for supper. A nice Orange tip dances around the garden as we pull in followed by Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell and Large White. The sun appears to have woken a few Butterflies at last.

As I'm wandering around the garden I spot a Barn Owl by the pond but it sees me as quick as I see it and with a short stop on the fence it's off. Raven, Buzzard and Sprawk all make fly overs before I head in for a much needed coffee.

A great Days birding and if you like your birds you really should put Dinas RSPB on your annual pilgrimage list.

1 comment:

  1. One of my favourite places as well. Thanks for the Tree Pipit.
