
Wednesday 4 April 2012

4th April "One Swallow doesn't make a summer"

Glossy Ibis in Essex
Working in Essex today on the home patch and with an hour to spare I decided to see if I could find the Glossy Ibis that had been reported. With limited directions "in pond by Fox and Raven pub, Gt. Baddow" and having not seen it listed today I was too close not to try for it. With the help of google I located the pub and sure enough the bird was showing from the car park. In search of a closer view I headed down a nearby road and bumped into Roy Woodward (A face I see regularly and know from various twitches (Rose finch, Green winged teal, Rose Coloured Starling etc) He seemed to know the way and then revealed he'd tried this morning and failed but knows a way into the field and he was  pleased to hear that I'd seen the bird. We headed around and crossed the bridges into the flooded field that backs onto the pub. The bird showed well and from around fifty feet we snapped away. Roy then suggested I take a couple of shots with my camera on his lens...Now I was packing a Sigma 300 and he was carrying a Nikon 500 VR and 1.7 convertor. The result of this loan spell is above. A cracking bit of kit that I'd love to own and what a gentleman he is to let me use it. Whilst there I saw a passing first of the year (191) and with temperatures dropping and snow on the way I reminded myself  "One Swallow doesn't make a summer". Onwards and upwards and roll on the weekend.

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