
Friday 20 April 2012

20th April Catching a few locals arrivals

Having stopped of at Chafford Hundred in the week for Sand Martins I found an hour to stop at Fishers Green on the way home today in search of Nightingale. As I stepped out into the car park I could hear my first Cuckoo of 2012 and soon located it in the picnic area. A short walk towards the power station and my first Whitethroat of the year is spotted. Another ten yards and I can hear my first Nightingale singing. As I approach I get a fleeting glimpse of the bird high in the tree but with this bird it's all about the song. A white wagtail shows itself along the path but won't make it on my year list which now stands at 207. 43 more to find to hit the target. A trip to Wales is planned as the wife and I celebrate 30 years together but I'm sure I'll find a couple of days to catch up with a few birds there and then it's onto sunny Scotland on a birding trip which will hopefully help me close the gap. The challenge is certainly taking me to some great places this year...Now where do I go tomorrow?......and what will I see?

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