
Saturday 24 March 2012

10th March 2012 HAT TRICK DAY

(171) Reports of an adult Rose coloured Starling in Hants have prompted a return visit to the county. We set off at silly o'clock for Hordle and after a short drive around we located the tiny post office were the bird had been reported the previous day. Parked up we're now on foot and decide to split up and use the Iphone to let each other know if we find it. After half an hour I came across it in a tree and set off the alarm and birders come running from all the side roads to get good views as the bird decides to drop into a garden to feed. (Always feels a little wrong on these towny twitches) but a good bird and good views of another lifer! We watch the bird a while longer and then head off for Pagham to give the Paddyfield Warbler another chance. There must be over a hundred birders lined up on the north wall and after three hours nobody has seen it. I see movement and set off the alarm but despite me getting two fleeting views we decide to leave but as I look back the herd of birders are on the move, we return at a pace to get good views of the warbler feeding at last! 4th lifer this year....we set off satisfied but having got directions from another birder we take a chance for Yellow- browed Warbler making the short journey to Worthing to find the Swan Pub. We parked up in a supermarket car park and sat in the park next to the pub and then after a tip off from another birder we raced across the road to get good views of the YBW. Three lifers for the day and five now for the year!
Year list now 173

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